Nio Tesla3 Min Read RainManonOctober 24, 2020 New perspective explains why China is strongly supporting Tesla, Nio A user on Zhihu, a question-and-answer website like Quora, gives his view from a new angle as to why China is supporting new energy carmakers…
Self-driving1 Min Read RainManonJuly 11, 2020 Shanghai opens first downtown area autonomous driving test zone Shanghai's first open test road for autonomous driving in the central city is unveiled, with a planned mileage of 30.6 km, involving 10 roads…
Nio Tesla3 Min Read RainManonApril 24, 2020 Tesla does the opposite of Nio as Chinese subsidies roll back As China's subsidies for new energy vehicles recede, Nio said the price spreads this creates for its potential customers will be borne by…
Nio Tesla2 Min Read RainManonApril 23, 2020 Nio gains, Tesla loses as China unveils new policy for subsidies China today extended the financial subsidy policy of new energy vehicles to the end of 2022 and eased the intensity and pace of subsidy…
Industry News1 Min Read RainManonApril 23, 2020 China extends new energy vehicle subsidy to end of 2022 Chinese regulators issued a notice today saying that the implementation period of the new energy vehicle promotion and application of…
Industry News2 Min Read RainManonApril 22, 2020 China exempts purchase tax for new energy cars in next two years China's Ministry of Finance said today that from January 1, 2021 to December 31, 2022, new energy vehicles purchased will be exempt from…