Flying Cars Xpeng2 Min Read RainManonAugust 23, 2021 Chinese fighter jet expert joins Xpeng’s flying car business Chinese J-10 fighter jet expert Zhang Wenjin has joined Xpeng Huitian, the flying car division of Xpeng Motors, the company announced on Friday.
Industry News1 Min Read RainManonJuly 27, 2021 EHang says its new AAV production site goes into operation EHang announced on July 26 that its new Automated Aerial Vehicle (AAV) production facility in Yunfu, Guangdong, southern China, went into…
Flying Cars2 Min Read RainManonJuly 22, 2021 Why is it tough to commercialize flying cars? The lack of policies and regulations is the key to the difficulty of commercializing flying cars on the ground.
Flying Cars4 Min Read RainManonJuly 18, 2021 Hunan becomes China’s first province to pilot low-altitude flights in historic move to explore opening up strictly regulated area Central China's Hunan province has become the first province in the country to be allowed to pilot full-field low-altitude flights, CCTV said…
Flying Cars Xpeng2 Min Read RainManonJuly 16, 2021 Xpeng unveils X2, its fifth-generation flying car Xpeng Huitian, the electric flying car company owned by Xpeng Motors, unveiled its fifth-generation flying vehicle, X2, on Friday, Xpeng…
Flying Cars Xpeng1 Min Read RainManonJanuary 2, 2021 Xpeng will launch flying car at end of 2021 and open for test drive Probably in the next four years, "you'll see a few new gadgets coming out of Xpeng that are beyond everyone's imagination," said Xpeng…