Industry News5 Min Read RainManonApril 17, 2021 Baidu ANP test ride: We are at the beginning of a new era An impressive test ride experience.
Self-driving1 Min Read RainManonApril 16, 2021 Baidu Apollo to participate in Shanghai auto show as independent exhibitor for first time Baidu Apollo's technologies for open road experience at the auto show include the WM W6's autonomous parking and ANP, which supports L4…
Self-driving1 Min Read RainManonApril 12, 2021 Baidu gets China’s first license to explore commercial operations of self-driving buses Chongqing residents can make reservations through mobile apps like Apollo Go and Baidu Maps so they can experience traveling by self-driving bus.
Industry News2 Min Read RainManonMarch 26, 2021 Baidu Apollo reportedly joins forces with local manufacturer to develop LiDAR for its 5th-gen Robotaxi Baidu's autonomous driving platform Apollo has partnered with Chinese LiDAR company Hesai Photonics Technology to develop a LiDAR for use in…
RainManonMarch 16, 2021 Baidu Apollo’s commercial use gets major breakthrough as it gets new license to operate on toll basis Chinese tech giant Baidu's autonomous driving platform Apollo has received a toll operating license in Cangzhou City, Hebei Province, marking…
Self-driving3 Min Read RainManonFebruary 9, 2021 Baidu launches autonomous driving platform in Guangzhou, to deploy over 100 Robotaxis and 1,000 pick-up stations Chinese search engine giant Baidu (NASDAQ:BIDU) today announced the launch of a multi-modal autonomous driving MaaS (mobility as a…
Industry News2 Min Read RainManonSeptember 17, 2020 Baidu Apollo launches first L4 self-driving Robobus in Chongqing Baidu was awarded 10 licenses to operate autonomous driving human testing in Chongqing, where Baidu Apollo and King Long collaborated to…
Industry News1 Min Read RainManonMay 30, 2020 Baidu builds world’s largest self-driving R&D center in Beijing Baidu has established a new research and development base for automated driving technology in Beijing.
Industry News1 Min Read RainManonMarch 4, 2020 Baidu says its Apollo autonomous driving platform now has 178 partners As one of the top open autonomous driving platforms in China, Baidu Apollo has a large number of ecological partners. Baidu Apollo said…
Self-driving2 Min Read RainManonMarch 2, 2020 Self-driving road test report shows 12 firms drove 880,000 km in Beijing last year Following the California DMV's 2019 self-driving road test report, the Beijing road test report has also been released.