Honda CB350 vs Royal Enfield Classic 350 vs Meteor – Vibration Test

Which is the motorcycle that offers the lowest vibrations?

Vibration Test
Vibration Test By Nitin Autoroids

Which is the motorcycle that offers the lowest vibrations?

Vibrations from a motorcycle may not matter much for short, occasional rides, but it can have a dramatic impact during long distance touring. It can give you that shaky feeling and make you fatigued as well. If we consider a span of several years, motorcycle vibrations may also result in lower back pain issues. These risk factors make it imperative that we choose a ride that has the least vibration.

Vibration test – Honda H’Ness CB350 Vs. Meteor 350 Vs. Classic 350

The most popular cruiser motorcycle in the country is Royal Enfield Classic 350, which is known for its rugged quality and reliable performance. As may be recalled, Royal Enfield motorcycles are also used by the Indian Army in some of the most challenging terrains in the world. Royal Enfield motorcycles are no doubt good, but one common complaint is the significant amount of vibration they generate.

The company seems to have acknowledged these issues and is in the process of making improvements in its next-gen products. The first of these is Meteor 350 that has significantly less vibration, as compared to Classic 350. We have already seen this in an earlier video.

But how does Meteor 350 fare against its primary rival, Honda H’Ness CB350? Answer to that question has now been revealed in this new video by Nitin Autoroids, that compares vibration of Honda CB350 vs. Meteor 350 vs. Classic 350.

In this test too, a glass of water (plastic glass) has been used to test vibration. On Honda CB350, the water filled glass remains still on the fuel tank as well as on the rear seat. Results are the same at higher rpm.

On Meteor 350, the glass remains still when the engine is idling. However, when the rpm is increased, the glass of water starts to move. On Classic 350, the glass experiences significant vibrations. It moves and falls off the rear seat at high rpm. As compared to Classic 350, Honda CB350 and Meteor were able to sustain the glass for much longer duration.

Vibration test conclusion

According to the YouTuber, Honda CB350 has the least vibration among the three bikes. At number two is Meteor 350, which had increased vibrations at higher rev speeds. Classic 350 is obviously the last in this test result.

Disclaimer – It is important to note that although this test methodology seems reliable, it is not a replacement for measuring vibration using specialized tools. The results may vary if proper vibration measurement tools are used. That way, it will also tell us exactly how much vibration is coming from each of these motorcycles.

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