Rickshaw Sales July 2020, 3W, Goods Carriers – Bajaj, TVS, Piaggio Lead

Most auto segments witnessed negative YoY growth in July, as Covid-19 situation continues to hamper economic activity

Most auto segments witnessed negative YoY growth in July, as Covid-19 situation continues to hamper economic activity

One of the worst affected is the three-wheeler passenger carriers segment. The reasons are obvious, as movement of people has been restricted in the current scenario. Moreover, people are preferring to avoid travelling in rickshaws or buses.

4 seater rickshaw sales

In July, a total of 6,140 4-seater rickshaws were sold. This is a massive YoY loss of -86.17%, as compared to 44,405 units sold in July last year. Top selling 4-seater rickshaw in July is Bajaj RE with total sales of 2,888 units. YoY sales are down -87.93%, as compared to 23,922 units sold in the corresponding period last year. Next is Bajaj Maxima, registering a -76.80% YoY drop in July. Sales are down from 7,607 units in July last year to 1,765 units in July 2020.

At number three is TVS King 4S, with 708 units sold in July. YoY growth has fallen by -27.90%, as compared to 982 units sold in July last year. At number four is Piaggio Ape City with 397 units sold in July. YoY sales are down -85.06%, as compared to 2,657 units sold in July last year. At fifth place is Piaggio Ape Auto with 357 units sold in July. YoY sales are down -94.19%, as compared to 6,143 units sold in July last year.

India 3 Wheeler Sales Jul 2020

Atul Elite takes the sixth place with 25 units sold in July. Sales have more than halved, as compared to 55 units sold in July last year. 4-seater rickshaws that did not sell even a single unit include Atul Gemini, Mahindra Alfa, and Vikram 450D. Numbers are grim, and the segment has contracted by 86.17 percent, and there’s no current bailout indication.

7 seater rickshaw sales

Atul Gem tops the list in 7-seater rickshaw segment with sales of 509 units in July. YoY sales are down -71.75%, as compared to 1,802 units sold in July last year. All other 7-seater rickshaws have registered zero sales with the exception of Vidyut Passenger that has just one unit sold in July.

India 3 Wheeler Sales Jul 2020

Other products in the 3-wheeler passenger carrier segment include Mahindra Treo and Mahindra Alfa, both of which have registered negative YoY growth in July. Sales are 63 units and 20 units, respectively, which is YoY loss of -56.25% and -96.93%, respectively.

3-wheeler goods carrier sales

In this space, the top three are Piaggio Ape Xtra (3,574 units), Bajaj Maxima (1,849), and Atul Gem (540). While Maxima has -35.84% negative YoY growth, Ape Xtra and Gem have positive growth of 4.02% and 20.27%, respectively. Atul Elite is at fourth place with 32 units sold in July. Rest all other 3-wheeler goods carriers have returned zero sales in July 2020.

India 3 Wheeler Sales Jul 2020

It’s clear from above stats that smaller brands have been the worst hit, as sales have reached zero units. This is likely to make it tough for these companies to survive the current challenges. It is also likely to result in widespread job losses, especially in the unorganized sector. Hopefully, a turnaround could be expected by year end with the festivities in between and potential launch of a Covid-19 vaccine.

3W Passenger Carriers        
No 4 Seater Rickshaw Jul-20 Jul-19 Diff %
1 Bajaj RE 2,888 23,922 -21,034 -87.93
2 Bajaj Maxima 1,765 7,607 -5,842 -76.80
3 TVS King 4S 708 982 -274 -27.90
4 Piaggio Ape City 397 2,657 -2,260 -85.06
5 Piaggio Ape Auto 357 6,143 -5,786 -94.19
6 ATUL ELITE 25 55 -30 -54.55
7 ATUL GEMINI 0 308 -308 -100.00
8 Mahindra Alfa 0 2,678 -2,678 -100.00
9 Vikram 450D 0 53 -53 -100.00
Total 6,140 44,405 -38,265 -86.17
No 7 Seater Rickshaw Jul-20 Jul-19 Diff %
1 ATUL GEM 509 1,802 -1,293 -71.75
2 Vidyut Passenger 1 0 1
3 Vikram 750D AC 0 104 -104 -100.00
4 Vikram 1500CG 0 20 -20 -100.00
5 ATUL SHAKTI 0 15 -15 -100.00
6 Force Minidor 0 0 0
Total 510 1,941 -1,431 -73.72
No Others Jul-20 Jul-19 Diff %
1 Mahindra Treo 63 144 -81 -56.25
2 Mahindra Alfa 20 651 -631 -96.93
Total 83 795 -712 -89.56
No 3W Goods Carriers Jul-20 Jul-19 Diff %
1 Piaggio Ape Xtra 3,574 3,436 138 4.02
2 Bajaj Maxima 1,849 2,882 -1,033 -35.84
3 ATUL GEM 540 449 91 20.27
4 ATUL ELITE 32 28 4 14.29
5 ATUL GEMINI 0 7 -7 -100.00
6 ATUL SHAKTI 0 369 -369 -100.00
7 Mahindra Alfa 0 1,201 -1,201 -100.00
8 Vikram 1000CG 0 86 -86 -100.00
9 Vikram 450D 0 100 -100 -100.00
10 Vikram 750D AC 0 20 -20 -100.00
Total 5,995 8,578 -2,583 -30.11

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