Hyundai India has revealed that stats of the first two days of post lockdown era
While a lockdown is now national priority, within the scope of limited movement, businesses, at least some are slowly beginning operations. All this within the guidelines issued by government and local authorities. Protocols are being continually revised as the country goes from one lockdown to another.
Dividing cities and districts into zones allows authorities to introduce limited movement in zones considered to be safer than hotspots and red zones. Within this premise, as it stands, Hyundai Motor India has begun operations in 255 Showrooms and Workshops across the country.
This is being done as per Central, State and Local Government guidelines and directives, and are most likely to be stores that are located in safe zones. It’s not altogether surprising as people have restarted going to office since this Monday in a phased manner.

While manufacturing plants are operating single shifts and minimal worker capacity, offices are opting for alternate day work from home and office. All this within the timeline of 7 am to 7 pm as the other 12 hours are essentially considered a curfew period, and movement in these hours are subject to availability of a pass.
A number of office workers who have been allowed to resume work on alternate days are obviously starting to use their cars after good few weeks. And while most people would have done their best at home to keep their cars operational, it would be necessary to reopen workshops so customer vehicles can be serviced. In the last 2 days, Hyundai India reports 4,000 customer inquiries, 500 customer bookings, and retail sales of 170 cars.
While it may seem a strange time to buy a car, there would be plenty from the current order book that Hyundai will need to dispatch considering operations have been stalled for a while now. Domestic sales in April 2020 stood at nought. Even in the priority of those returning to work, an initial requirement is to have a private car that one can drive to work over the current fortnight.
For those turning their attention to sanitisation and safety of commute, a personal car may be on the upper order of priorities. But of course, with jobs being lost, the future treads on uncertainty for many, and not everyone with the intension to buy a car will find the necessary disposable income to do so.